
- PI (Co-PI. Naphtali Rishe), "Formal Architectural Specification and Design of Real-Time Distributed Systems",
NSF, HDR-9707076,$1.25 million, 9/1//97 - 8/31/2002 1
- Co-PI (PI. Naphtali Rishe), "Heterogeneous Distributed Database Management System Incorporating Semantic
Binary Databases for an 3-D Visualization System", NSF,HDR-9707076, $1.25 million, 9/1//97 - 8/31/2002.
- Co-PI (PI. Michael Evangelist, Other Co-PI. Paul Attie) , "A Formal Approach for the Design of Distributed
Real-Time Systems", AFOSR, F49620-96-1-0221, $348,000, 4/1/96 - 3/31/99.
- PI, "Heterogeneous Distributed Systems Architecture and Integration", Baptist Health System of South Florida, $100,000, 1/15/98 – 7/14/99.
- Senior Investigator (PI. Naphtali Rishe, Other Senior Investigators. Wei Sun, Cyril Orji), "High Performance
Database Management with Application to Earth Sciences", NASA, NAGW-4080, $3.8 million, 9/1/94 - 8/31/99.
- PI, "RIA: Executable Specifications for Object-Oriented Systems Design", NSF, CCR-9308473, $88,922, 7/1/93 -
- Co-PI and Project Director (PI. Michael Evangelist, Other Co-PI. Paul C. Attie), "Intermediate Architectural
Representations for KBSA ADM", Rome Laboratory, U.S. Air Force, F30602-93-C-0247, $400,000, 9/22/93 -
- Co-PI (PI. Malek Adjouadi, Other Co-PIs: Michael Evangelist, et al.), "Center for Advanced Technology and
Education (CATE)", NSF, CDA-9313624, $800,000, 9/1/93 - 8/31/96.
1Grants 1 and 2 are independent sub-awards in a larger NSF CREST grant of $7.5 million to establish the Joint FAMU/FIU NSF CREST Center for Distributed Computing.
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